Your search matched 1 words and 873 sentences.
Search Terms: 沢山*, たくさん*

Dictionary results(showing 1 results)

no-adjective, na-adjective, noun, adverbial noun
a lot, lots, plenty, many, a large number, much, a great deal, a good deal(usually kana)
enough, sufficient(usually kana)
noun (suffix)
enough, too many, too much(usually kana)(after a noun; usu. read as だくさん)

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 873 results)

I want a lot

I want a lot more

I have a lot of activities which take up my time

There were quite a few interesting things to see

There are many words that I don't understand

I am going to swim a lot this summer

I am happy to have so many good friends

Good night and sweet dreams

I read a lot in my diary yesterday
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